Futuro Studios and iHeartMedia’s My Cultura Podcast Network Present ‘Chess Piece: The Elián González Story’
September 25, 2024 /
If you support the truth-telling journalism and multimedia work of Futuro Media, please consider becoming a monthly sustainer. Your recurring gift of $5, $10, $15 gift per month means a lot to us. This steady support funds our current work and helps us plan well for the future.
If you #MakeItMonthly between now and June 25th, you will receive a special thank you on our social media channels. Please click here to join other Monthly Sustainers whose recurring gifts go a long way to support our nonprofit journalism and multimedia work.
Your support keeps us strong and independent. Your support makes everything we do possible. If you believe in the Futuro, now is the time to #MakeItMonthly.
For two weeks, we’ll be sharing online why current Monthly Sustainers support Futuro Media. Here is a sampling:
“As a first-generation college student, it was tough navigating a system that wasn’t set up for non-traditional college students to succeed. Hearing stories about survival, strength, determination, and hustle gave me the courage to persevere. Today, these stories remind me to seek out truth, accountability, justice, and community.”
-Blanca Hurley, San Antonio, TX
“I love supporting Futuro Media as María
Hinojosa’s contributions to national media are very needed. More importantly, Futuro opens the doors for others to share their past, present and desired futures with great nuance and vulnerability. Media with a compassionate approach and a hopeful voice.”
– Héctor González, Austin, TX
Look for Maria’s video message on our social media channels. If you’re able, please #MakeItMonthly. Every bit helps!